Tuesday, April 23, 2024

So What Does A Camper Host Do?

 Good question. I'm glad that you asked. 

I would say that our job is to ensure that the sites are clean and ready for the next camper. We also answer questions and provide local information. 

For example, a typical day (so far) consists of...

Putting up site tags...

Cleaning ashes and garbage out of the fire rings...

And generally policing the site and picking up trash...

Most campers are pretty cool (so far) and leave a clean site when they depart. One ring this morning had nails and screws among the ashes. Personally, I would rather burn logs than 2x4's, but to each his own. You also have the melted gobs of aluminum that used to be Bud Light cans. 

I'll end this post with a riddle....

What do dog poop, cigarette butts and whitetail deer have in common?

Answer: If you see one, you'll likely find more. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Our 2024 Summer Home

 Beginning April 1st, we began our adventure as volunteer camp hosts at Geneva State Park.

Normally, this position wouldn't begin until mid-May. Due to the large number of reservations for the eclipse, we pulled in and set up camp early. For the most part it has been cold, rainy and windy. 

As for the eclipse itself, it did not disappoint. The sky cleared just in time for the show. Most people watched from the amphitheater, beach or the marina. We opted to watch from our site, as did a family a few sites away. 


Apprehensions regarding birds falling from the sky, squirrels chasing bears out of the woods and our cell phones melting like chocolate in our hands did not materialize. 

All in all, pretty impressive.

And then everyone went home...

And then the rain resumed...

And I made some new friends...

Frost warning tonight, so protect your tender vegetation !!!



Back In Business !!!

 Hi again. Happy 420 to those of you who celebrate such occasions.

It's been 17 months since the last post. I lost my password to this blog and finally took the time to get back in.

A lot has happened since then. As we go forward, I'll try to catch y'all up on our activities. We have embarked on a new adventure...State Park Camp Host.