Friday, May 31, 2024

60 Days In

 May 30, 2024, marked our 60th day living in Believeland amidst the wilds of Geneva State Park nestled along the shores of Lake Erie near Geneva-On-The-Lake. Personally, I'm happy that we are doing this. We appear to have adapted well, although I think that the night critters tend to startle Opal. That canine flinch, in turn, ignites Anna's offensive defense reflex, which, in turn, gets me out of bed at 3 am with a flashlight and a bad attitude. 

A few observations...

Geneva Rocks...

This is really true...

And solitude, as we know it, has ended...

The sun came out when it had to...

...then it rained...

..and rained...

...and rained.

The promise of new life...

...a promise broken by some damn varmint...

...and a renewed vow to create life by a brave pair of robins.

The duties of Camper Host have been greatly reduced by the return of veteran Camper Hosts Mary and Steve, along with Russ and Brenda. Warmer weather has helped move the wetlands back into the woods. There are millions of maple helicopters, and there must be some cottonwood around giving the impression of a light snowfall along the roadways.   

TV reception is pretty much limited to a couple of stations in Erie, PA. I kinda miss Fox8 in CLE, but I'm definitely getting more done earlier in the day.

I still haven't touched my guitar, but have a few ideas messing up my normal train of thought. I'll probably annoy you with my compositions in a later post. Lucky you.

By the way, if you subscribe to my nonsensical ramblings, you'll get an email advising you that I got either a wild hair or a magnum of wine and wrote something new. 

Yippie!!! A reason to get out of bed!!!

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